When life happens, the time you had yesterday to put into your job or business could be altered significantly. Political uncertainty happens. Children are born and mothers have to quit jobs. People go on holiday, but continue to incur bills. Bills are recurrent; rent, electricity and other utilities, school fees, and tens of other bills come on the calendar. If your income fluctuates, no matter how great you are at saving, you will get into financial strain.
Passive income is not about having a kitty for a rainy day. No! Passive income is about being intelligent enough to know that you have no control over events of tomorrow. Life is full of unexpected events. Having a passive income source is wise way to build a tangible financial plan that ensures you always have an income flowing in, because life events continue to flow in anyway.
Passive income is also the best retirement package you can build for yourself. I actively work in eldercare and I can tell you, pensions are insignificant amounts compared to salaries. So if you had a job and you plan to retire on a pension, be ready to retire on 10% to 30% (at the very best) of your salary.
Passive income is the best practice of a businessperson. There is nothing more uncertain than an active income from a business. Today you have an influx of work, tomorrow, for unknown reasons, you have no sales at all. So if your business is the only source of income, what happens to the day’s costs? You are perennially stressed!
Our Passive Income Recommendation
I strongly recommend that you develop a passive income source this year. I can also recommend that few things give better in terms of passive income than digital marketing and networking.If you would like to know how you can get on board with that, enroll in the GOOD LIVING eCourse and learn the GOOD LIVING SYSTEM that is a pre-designed path to passive income.
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