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The Business Network: How to Use Digital Tools To Grow A High Quality Buyer List

PDF eBook - KES 300

One of the most important elements of sustaining a business network is to have a list, which is a database of clients, past and current, as well as potential clients. They are all connected by a network of digital platforms, and all together they make up your business network.

A business network makes it easier for you to carry out your campaigns, advertising, and sales events, and ensures that those activities give you optimum results. A business network is your secret-tool to a thriving business that saves on marketing costs and therefore has more to put into your development budget. Find out how to build your own business network.

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Daily Income: Survival kit to creating daily income sources (business offer inside) 

PDF eBook - KES 300

Student, recent graduate, parent, wherever you are in life, we are all looking for that one method that not only gives us pleasure as we work, but that also provides a source of daily income. Although we have a monthly-pay culture, we spend daily. It is financially empowering to find income sources that pay daily.

There are elements of developing income channels that pay daily, because we have a monthly-pay culture. In this eBook we take you through a specific strategy to not only change the way you look at payment options, but also offer a definite method to make daily income.

Daily Income: Survival kit to creating daily income sources

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Affordable Sales and Marketing for Small Business and Start-ups in Kenya

PDF eBook 

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