
Passive Income and Its Relevance to You

If you are an adult responsible for some or all of your recurring bills, the experience of the political uncertainty of 2017 and the subsequent effect on your finances in January of 2018 will still be fresh in your mind. If your income slowed, or stopped altogether in 2017, you started 2018 on an extremely sour note.

Here is the fact: if you were unable to go to work (whether business or employment) and your pay reduced, then what you have is an active income source. Active income is the most common income type amongst the low, middle, and lower-upper income earners. It is the rarest income type amongst financially secure and the rich.

Active income requires your presence and time input for you to earn. To earn an active income you ALWAYS exchange time for money. If your pay stops when you stop going to work, or your business stops producing an income if you close it for whatever reason, then you have an active income source.

The trouble with active income sources is their very nature – they only pay you when you are actively working on them. PASSIVE INCOME is the most common type of income amongst the financially comfortable and the rich.

Benefits of Passive Income 

Definition: Passive income is an income that continues to generate itself even after the work is complete. Passive income may sometimes be referred to as *residual income* and depending on the frequency and reliability of the revenue, it is known as *recurring income*.

To better understand passive income, imagine yourself on a digital system that generates you an income of Kshs 1000 every time someone makes a purchase. Add to your imagination the fact that the digital system is pre-designed to make at least three to four sales daily.

To cap your imagination, add to the picture that the SYSTEM is built in such a way that you do not have to be actively on the assignment generating Kshs 1000 per sale for you to receive that Kshs 1000 per sale. You receive the money whether you are at work, at home, morning, evening, on holiday, whenever the sale is made, you are paid.

That is the picture of passive income from digital platforms. Passive income works on a SYSTEM. If you have a shop and you have employed people to work for you, then you have put a system in place. If you have rental houses and you have a way to collect the rent without physically going to each house, you have a system in place. Passive income runs on a system that takes over your working hours, so that you can put your remaining hours on something else.

Passive income is the type of income that will make you a little richer every year. It is based on a system and that system makes you money. The rich own systems that generate for them an income without their active involvement and so they enjoy GOOD LIVING.

Our Strong Recommendation

I comes strongly recommended that you develop a passive income source this year. There are hardly any other sources of passive income that will give you better returns and recurring passive income than digital marketing and networking. We have an easy to learn and even easier to earn system in the GOOD LIVING eCourse. Sign up and learn the GOOD LIVING SYSTEM to passive income.

Recommended Resources 

Articles on this Blog
Sources of Passive Income

Excuses Against Prosperity

Why You Need Passive Income

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